This plan provides access to all the services offered by Archeopark Campi Flegrei. Beginning with Archeoschool, it then continues with on-site activities: children can enjoy the interactive video game Phlegraios - The Adventures of Zeura's at the Phlegraean Fields, and have fun doing two of the workshop activities among those available.
Archeoschool is a reserved section that can be accessed, after user registration, through the use of proper credentials. The request can be made by sending an email to, is a section of the platform that stimulates children's learning with different tools:
- #Archeoparktiracconta: videos with an informative nature made by specialists in the field
- Archeolessons: five interactive lessons, divided into three phases, which students follow divided into teams:
- Video-lesson
- Playful-didactic activity
- Final quiz
The fulfillment of each lesson is necessary for the development of the next one. By correctly answering the questions submitted in the final quiz, students accumulate credits.
The score acquired from time to time is summed, determining a final ranking at the end of the five lessons.
- Let's play!: games focusing on archaeological and mythological themes
- Now it's your turn!: first approach to coding principles that allows children to acquire and develop new skills.
The first of the two services that children can enjoy on site is the video game Phlegraios - The Adventures of Zeura's at the Phlegraean Fields, an interactive video game that can be enjoyed on site, at the Archeopark headquarters, through the touch monitors that are present in the interactive room. Children will get to interact with Zeura and help her in her adventures, discovering the mythological world and archaeological riches of the Phlegrean territory.
They will then have the opportunity svolgere una divertente attività laboratoriale a scelta (le attività dovranno essere comunicate al momento della prenotazione), proposte con l?obiettivo di stimolare le loro capacità creative, analitiche e di lavoro di squadra.
Below is the list of proposed workshops:
Archaeologist for a day: suddivisi in squadre, ai bambini sarà affidato uno specifico compito per eseguire la simulazione di uno scavo archeologico;
Mosaic School: Mosaic School: children learn some information regarding the ancient art of mosaic and make small works of art through this technique;
Experiment with Painting: the activity is aimed at younger children and involves the creation of drawings, with a mythological theme, made with different painting techniques that will have been previously explained;
CerAMICA: l?attività si propone di stimolare la creatività dei bambini e la loro capacità manuale, coinvolgendoli nella modellazione di manufatti archeologici attraverso la manipolazione della creta;
Dress the Deity and Perform: In this activity the class is read a small nursery rhyme/ riddle concerning the Olympian gods. The children who first solve the riddles, wearing the god's characteristic clothing and elements, will become the protagonists of the final mythological play.
The workshops have an approximate duration of 45-60 minutes each.